The mental health of health care professionals has recently begun to gain insight into physician burnout, stress, anxiety, and other difficult conditions such as depression and suicide. While combating mental health problems is an important and important issue at hand, we are still grappling with the fact that healthcare professionals can have mental health issues and need attention and corrective measures from Therefore, it is important to address the issue of attitudes towards self-care. hour

Breaking the Silence:
In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr. Vivek Dwivedi, President – ​​Association of Medical Consultants, Mumbai, shared, “When you acknowledge the issues, one can formulate a strategy to help and put it into action. There are many methods that doctors, nurses and medical staff can use to keep their mental health in check. , facing rotational changes and a heavy workload, creating a schedule that includes exercise, diet, recreational activities, and wellness measures can greatly help manage a stressful life.
He suggested, “Creating a culture of healthy competition, dialogue with co-workers and strong relationships and friendships at work can help if all co-workers are exposed to the risks of a stressful work life. About your employees Being vigilant and offering help to overcome such mental health conditions is important. While seeking professional help is always an option, one needs to spend time in meditation, yoga, and wellness programs for guidance. Enroll in. Investing time in spiritual growth also provides a relaxing and comfortable experience, one should take advantage of the online programs, sessions and digital options that are available at your convenience Healthcare providers should not shy away from managing mental health because caregivers are human too and one must remember that self-care is a priority. If you are healthy, then only you can provide better care to others Do it.”
Uncertain Crisis:
Dr. Shajo George, a psychiatrist, shares his expertise, “Having been in the profession for many years, we have definitely seen an increase in the number of people seeking medical help for mental health management. The obvious question is how many medical professionals are promoting and normalizing help for mental health problems that are so involved in care that they forget to take care of themselves Change and create safe spaces for our doctors, nurses and staff. The gap often exists at the workplace management level, where hospitals, clinics, laboratories, diagnostic centers emphasize patients but not their staff. We must implement measures for our in-house workers to cope with the workload that results in stress, burnout, anxiety, mood swings.
He suggested, “Programs should be organized regularly to emphasize the importance of and share coping mechanisms for medical staff to use in their daily lives. Professionals should be specifically trained to visit, counsel and encourage staff. can be employed to focus on well-being, stress management, and other mental health disorders , yoga, relaxation activities can be included in the workplace itself while sleeping pods and beds can be arranged for medical staff if needed.Support from the workplace mental health management It goes a long way in helping, especially for caregivers who are deep in patient care.
Medical treatment:
Much has been said about the increasing workload on healthcare professionals and pathologists, laboratory technicians and microscopists are no exception. Pointing out the same, Samrat Singh, Co-Founder and CEO at Medprime Technologies said, “While technological advancements are paving the way for automation, we have a long way to go. As an overpopulated country, our healthcare professionals are facing mental health issues such as stress, anxiety and burnout due to the increasing pressures at work To do this, we also protect our employees and members by providing access to mental health programs, stress management training and wellness strategies that they can implement in their daily lives.
He emphasized, “Mental health support strategies go a long way in combating work stress, while coping with challenges on the job. Implementing preventive and intervention strategies for mental health professionals such as Mindfulness meditation practices, digital media, access to information about problems and mechanisms for this, presence of psychologists and psychiatrists in the office panel, occupational health support personnel, peer support programs, while work and life Emphasizes balance.
Samrat Singh advised, “Healthcare organizations can sign up for innovative ideas such as staff discounts at health centers, yoga clinics and even health resorts that promote healthy vacations to recover from stressful situations. It is also helpful to provide guidelines for handling stressful work environments and implement leave policies while taking drastic steps to promote a better work environment by adopting innovations in the space such as leveraging technologies That helps automate work also helps reduce workload, a new-age way to manage work-life balance.
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